Of Long Lost Love and Amorous Desires...

One of those frosty mornings
when the world stood frozen,
We two rebellious souls lay
beside each other, oblivious of
the world and the world oblivious
of us.
We lay there for years it seemed
feeling each other's bare, bold beauty,
when time stood still.
Our souls lay naked to one another,
Our eyes turned windows to our surreptitious desires.
Amidst the clandestine desires, we lay,
breathing into one another, caressing one
another, unfolding our deep dark secrets.
We lay in between furrowed sheets, reeking off sweet dampness.
We lay like two truant teens breaking the
shackles of this world, culminating in a
frenzied apotheosis.
We existed in a world where time stood still.
Alas! Today is the day where time challenges us and the world beckons us.
We need to go, we need to break free from
one another.
We need to bid that last goodbye, we need to cry our hearts out before our eyes go
barren forever, before our roads never meet again, before our destinies drift us to worlds where the time never stands still,
where humans aren't born rebels, where true love wasn't conceived!


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